S.W.P (Senior Wellness Program)


Our S.W.P is designed for older adults, whether they are suffering from health or other physical impairments, who want to sharpen their motor and mental skills. COVID-19 and social distancing have drastically changed daily routines, forcing older people to adopt sedentary lifestyles that can exacerbate problems like osteoporosis, muscle mass loss, arthritis, and cardiovascular illness.

Florida Fitness & Bodybuilding Corp’s S.W.P will help older adults improve their aerobic activity, along with their levels of muscle mass and strength, thus enhancing their capacity to control chronic conditions like Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Obesity, and Alzheimer’s. The program will also incorporate techniques to help combat mental health problems associated with isolation and Physical Inactivity, such as Stress, Depression, and Anxiety. Which includes this plan:


  • Bodybuilding exercises, for those trained in the area.
  • Exercises for older adults with reduced mobility.
  • Aerobic exercises to prevent and treat Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
  • Resistance exercises. – Strength and muscle mass recovery training exercises.
  • Exercises of flexibility, stretching, and legs
  • arms strengthening.
  • Hands flexibility exercises for customers suffering from arthritis.
  • Balance and coordination exercises.
  • Exercises to improve memory and concentration.
  • Teaching, correction, and improvement of postural alignment.
  • Yoga, Pilates, and Zumba for older adults. (2 Classes for Month)
  • Meditation.
  • Advice to develop new healthy eating habits.

Two modalities

  • Online Price: $99 per month
  • On-site (with all the required security and distance measures) Price: $160 per month
